The Best Dog Booties to Protect Your Pup's Paws

For humans, walking barefoot into the snow is a surefire way to get frostbite. But when it comes to dog paws and snow, the answer isn’t quite so clear—are dog booties essential gear or a frivolous accessory?

While man’s best friend is much better equipped to handle snow and cold weather than we are, wintry conditions can still damage their paws. On the trail, snow and ice can build up between their paw pads and dry them out, leading to cracked or chapped skin. Urban areas are even more of a concern: Road salts and deicers are toxic to dogs and can lead to painful cuts or sores on their paw pads.

Cold temperatures typically pose less risk to your four-legged friend, but anything close to zero degrees Fahrenheit brings an elevated risk of frostbite for dogs. Ultimately, it depends on your dog and its breed—a husky and a chihuahua will handle snow and cold very differently. But even if your dog enjoys playing in the snow, it’s worth giving dog booties a shot and seeing how your pooch responds.

Dog booties come in a variety of different sizes to fit any breed. To choose the right pair, simply measure the widest part of your dog’s paw to get their individual size. Below, we’ve rounded up eight dog booties from top brands including Muttluks, Ruffwear, Kurgo and more. Grab a pair and your pup will be fully protected for all kinds of winter adventures.

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The Best Dog Booties to Protect Your Pup’s Paws

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