How-To Snowboard: Nosepress with Brock Crouch

While winter is reserved for pristine powder days, spring is a great time to improve your snowboard skills in the terrain park and around the mountain. While beginners should initially focus on learning the basics, intermediate riders will find the park is a great place to improve their snowboarding skills and pick up new tricks like the Nosepress.  

Before hitting the halfpipe or jumps, it’s best to start out on rails and boxes. We’ve collaborated with Stomp Sessions and Dew Tour medalist Brock Crouch to teach you how to do a Nosepress on a flat rail. With these easy-to-follow pro tips, you’ll learn the best technique to nail this classic rail trick. 

Intro to Nosepress 

This trick can be done on many features in the park. It’s best to learn on a flat rail or box, then work your way up to bigger rails.

Setting up your Approach 

Nosepress - Approach
Stomp Sessions

When approaching the rail, stay flat based and look at the spot on the rail that you want your front foot to land. Use your arms to drive balance from your ollie, focusing on that exact spot.

Landing on the Rail 

Nosepress - Locking in
Stomp Sessions

Once you land on the rail, lock in on the sweet spot just under your front foot by pressing down with your front foot and lifting up your back foot. Keep your head over your front foot.

Exit Strategy 

Nosepress - Landing
Stomp Sessions

Now that you’re locked in, look at the end of the rail – this is key to holding that Nosepress. When you approach the end, give a little extra press – like a Nollie, and pop off the end.

Practice Finding your Sweet Spot

Nosepress - Focus on End of Rail
Stomp Sessions

If you’re sliding off before reaching the end of the rail, work on holding your Nosepress on flat ground without looking at your feet. It’ll help you find that sweet spot, giving you confidence to look at the end of the rail and lock in. 

Watch Brock’s complete Nosepress Tutorial on Stomp Sessions.

To better understand the fundamentals of a Nosepress, watch Brock’s Boardslide Tutorial. Once you have the Nosepress dialed, you’re ready to learn the next level: Nosepress 180 Out.

from Men's Journal