Men’s Journal Everyday Warrior Podcast Episode 47: Ed Clay & Scott Nelson

Men’s Journal’s Everyday Warrior With Mike Sarraille is a podcast that inspires individuals to live more fulfilling lives by having conversations with disrupters and high performers from all walks of life. In this week’s episode, we spoke to Ed Clay and Scott Nelson, the team behind the Cellular Performance Institute (CPI), located in Tijuana, Mexico, which specializes in stem cell therapy, which can regenerate damaged tissue from injuries. That’s why people worldwide, including professional athletes, are heading to CPI, a global leader in stem cell therapy and cellular optimization. Clay and Nelson discuss how these non-invasive, cutting-edge procedures are revolutionizing medicine and improving people’s quality of life.

Listen to the full episode above (scroll down for the transcript) and see more from this series below.

This interview has not been edited for length or clarity.

Mike Sarraille 0:11
Welcome to the Men’s Journal Everyday Warrior Podcast. I’m your host, Mike Sarraille. I’ve got two guests today, Ed Clay and Scott Nelson. Just right off the bat. How many times have your names been mentioned on the Joe Rogan podcast? Account?

Scotty Nelson 0:26
No, I never have done a count. But someone just sent me one that I didn’t even I’ve never even heard myself randomly. Somebody on Instagram hit me up. I met them at the last UFC. Whatever said hi. And then he was like, oh, did you know that? Joe Rogan talked about you with Eddie Bravo and Gary Tonin. And I was like, no, what episode is that? So he sent me the link. And that was like three years ago.

Mike Sarraille 0:51
You guys haven’t been on his podcast yet? No, no, it’s got to change because he went, there’s a number of clips where he talks about what you guys were doing, especially Eddie Bravo. And both of you. So you know, I’m excited today, because, you know, one of the things I never opened my aperture to is alternative medicine. And recently, you know, about a year ago, came down and did the Ibogaine treatment in Mexico, as well as five Meo DMT, which was just absolutely spiritual from a trauma perspective. But what you guys are doing is, is amazing, I want to get into the backstory, but I mean, everyone knows what stem cells are. I don’t think they totally understand how you know how they’re an alternative form of medicine and how they’re, you know, providing longevity to people’s careers. So I really want to dive into that. But before we do that, I want to get into both your backgrounds, and we’ll start with you just, you know where you came from. What led you to this sort of arena?

Ed Clay 1:50
Yeah, so gosh, I started training mixed martial arts. When I was young. I started wrestling was 11 Boxing when I was 13, Brazilian jujitsu. 15 Muay Thai 18 and opened my mixed martial arts school when I was 20 ended up being the largest in the country, close to 1000 students started gameness which is was the largest supplier of Brazilian jujitsu martial arts uniforms in the world for a while yeah, and you know, build all that up and sold everything in 2011 and 2012. Also those two the two things specifically and so my mom actually it’s funny Michel Ibogaine, because in 2008, I tore my LCL PCL meniscus training fighters and I had team doctors, they got me on opiates. And so for about two years, I was taking what to stop one day and went through withdrawal and experienced that a number of times in the next six months wasn’t able to stop so I went to a therapist and said, Hey, I’m completely functional, running my companies, but I really have a clear brain and deal with the pain that a foggy brain and no pain and he said America is behind the times when it comes to opiate withdrawal. Google Ibogaine. And so I googled it and I was like, I was skeptical. It’s it supposedly stopped all opiate withdrawals, and one of the strongest psychedelics in the world. And then I watched a couple documentaries, like, you know what, I’ll give it a try. So I took a plane to Mexico City, took a bus to ourselves that I began in somebody’s bedroom. I was home 72 hours later, never had withdraw, never had a craving. And I thought to myself, Wow, if this can work so well, and is not legal in America, not available, what else is out there? My mom who you met, she has a rare form of rheumatoid arthritis so much. She got multiple staph infections from the side effects of medications, broke her back in a shortfall got tuberculosis because the side effects the medications. And so we were in a big search for her kind of making a longer story short. It was a treatment called Kohli’s toxins for rheumatoid arthritis. And I had read a study about in 1923. And there was no hospital that had it except this one hospital in in Tijuana, Mexico that had closed down a year or two before and so Scott Dedrick and I basically found the owner bought the hospital from him hired back from the original staff. My mom came in in a wheelchair. First patient second patient came in a wheelchair left three weeks later walking and has been in remission now for seven years. So Ibogaine was the catalyst of all of that and we actually get Ibogaine in this hospital as the first licensed hospital to do it too, because we want to enter in licensed facility.

Mike Sarraille 4:31
No kidding. Yeah. So you did it in somebody’s bedroom.

Ed Clay
Yeah. In in Mexico. Yep. I mean, was it just sort of very, that doesn’t sound like it’s the best setting to do. I began, you know, it was a special place. It’s called a couple salon Mexico. It’s a little, a little mountain town, but two, two and a half hours south of Mexico City. And it was it was a great setting, actually. Very peaceful, very spiritual. And I remember as I was going through it, there were fireworks going on all night and it’s nice Good. And I thought the frickin Mexican army was coming in or something I was tripping basically. And I’m like, What’s going on here? And then I realized that they assured me that that was not happening. Yeah, that was probably like the weirdest thing that happened during that that experience.

Mike Sarraille 5:14
Did you ever do it again? To other times? Other times? Yeah, I’ve heard, I was just talking to a seal buddy, who’s down to twice. He said, The second time was, was amazing. It was almost like, he had a guide. And he was asking them questions. They were guiding them through this this sort of wormhole and answering the questions, you can feel like you can control it a lot more on the second time.

Unknown Speaker 5:33
The first time I had that guide. The second time for me. And yeah, I was asking some very specific questions I, I learned a lot about myself, I had big fears of my parents dying that I didn’t really know about. And I wasn’t experienced without that with them with them dying without them knowing how much I loved them. They meant to me and that was like a big conversation that I was having it and it was very emotional. But it was like also a release when it was over. Because I was carrying around a number different things from growing up, as we do in life. And, you know, really kind of getting in touch with those things and let him go call mom and dad crying like hey, you know, in case you didn’t know, you mean the world to me, you know, and that was, it was it was an amazing experience.

Mike Sarraille 6:18
Well, I consider myself lucky that I was with Mom and Pop clay. I didn’t know until this morning. Okay. And they’re like, Yeah, we didn’t want to overly announce it. Good people. So you guys have known each other a pretty long time. Then if you sued. The hospital you bought was chips. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So you guys tracked down, the previous owner of the building still existed a lot of the equipment. And you basically bought it from the previous owner and stood back up?

Unknown Speaker 6:45
Yeah. So you know, we were looking for a way as well to do a licensed hospital to where we could do Ibogaine as well. So it kind of all fell into place. It was like so many things were. You call them coincidences, but they all kind of came into place. We had known about this one place, and we had been kind of looking, but we kind of stumbled upon it as well. So, you know, it was it was an interesting way it all happen. We Scotty actually got me involved in a leadership program. And it was part of my 100 day. We call it PSP personal strategic plan to achieve these goals. And I mean, we were just, you know, we’re grinders. So we just put a plan together focused in my meditations every morning, and I ended out grinding it out.

Mike Sarraille 7:32
First off, we get to come back to that leadership thing, because that is my passion. But Scott, what’s your backstory, man?

Unknown Speaker 7:39
Oh, man, where to start? You know, like, Well, I’ve been involved in like Brazilian jujitsu in the fight world since like, 95 I have the oldest running on the website. Don’t do too much with it anymore. But you know, pre YouTube and stuff. We were the spot and started out marketing. VHS tapes, actually, I I put a few fights up on the internet. It was pre you know, high speed internet you had to have them downloaded overnight and yeah, you know, then I got an email from someone’s like, I’ll pay you 40 bucks to put those flights on a VHS tape and send it to me I’m like, okay, and you know, that kind of just sprawled into you know, I started you know, first with the videos and with the apparel with the with the gear, Ed was already manufacturing gameness in Pakistan, I ended up having a crazy trip. I went to Pakistan to make jujitsu GIS thought I was gonna get kidnapped one night, like all kinds of fun stuff like that. And you know, then that turned into this to a chain of retail stores had 13 stores at one time. And you know, just kind of like Edie and I have been besties forever and when he was doing this project actually went down to Tampa salon to to which is amazing spot to do Ibogaine down there when he was doing that down there, and then getting involved getting involved with this. You know, it’s kind of a no brainer, I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into when I first when I first got started, didn’t really know anything about cancer treatment, alternative cancer treatment, autoimmune, any of these things. But you don’t know like, I always loved jiu jitsu because if I could drag somebody to the mat, and they trained long enough, it didn’t matter what was going on in their life, right? Like, you know, they’re angry, sad, not confident, you know, whatever it is need to be humbled diet problems overweight, like the mat fixes everything right? You get a brotherhood of friends and people around you, you get in shape, you get confidence. You learn how to learn, you’ll learn how to create strategies, all of these things that are really good. And I love that it changed people’s life. That’s really why I pushed and was involved in martial arts and then You know, when I, when I came down here, and you start meeting patients who the medical system has given up on them, yes. And so, you know, we were fighters and we always look at this as a chance, like, let’s let’s build somewhere where people can fight if you really want to live, we want to be your team, we want to be your coaches and, and we want to give you that spot where where you could fight and you’ll never forget the first cancer patient that came back down here. And, and, you know, she came in a wheelchair full of edemia and lots of pain, she was allergic to chemotherapy, so the doctors gave up on her. And she was here about three, four weeks, you know, left walking, had her life back, got to go home two or three kids and her husband. Now not cancer free that quick, but like on the path, you know what I mean? It’s rare for someone to become completely cancer free, and just three weeks because the people that come here are terminal, right? They’re at the usually at the worst possible spots. So it’s a process for everybody to get, you know, to get to that, what we call durable remission. But she was, you know, told she had a month to live, she was told to go here, take a bunch of pain pills, go home and get your affairs and together call hospice. And, you know, to get that chance to go back and be with her family and, and her kids and stuff is like, hey, you know, there’s something going on here. You know what I mean? And it’s been,

Mike Sarraille 11:27
that’s gonna impact you guys pretty, pretty substantially.

Unknown Speaker 11:30
Yeah, it’s the highs, the highs are really, really high. And, you know, it doesn’t work for everybody. We’re always doing the best we can to make it work better for every person that that we can. But, you know, this is stage four terminal cancer, you know, it’s, there’s nobody has a great solution.

Mike Sarraille 11:48
Right? So first off, I gotta say most most people listen to this podcast, they don’t watch it on YouTube. So if you look at Ed and Scott one, they’ve got cauliflower ears, I can’t stress enough guys. I always tell people, if you’re in a bar, and you’re about to get in a fight, the person who has cauliflower ears, consider this a public service announcement. Walk the other direction unless you’re a really good boxer. It’s choke. But so it’s interesting. I mean, you guys are fighters, you’re also sounds like serial entrepreneurs. But really within, you know, the fight industry either, you know, commercial goods ease, you know, sort of E commerce in the videos for on the mat. That seems like one hell of a leap from what you guys were doing to, to, you know, buying chips. I mean, was it solely for your mom at that point?

Unknown Speaker 12:39
It was it was a mix between that and Ibogaine, you know? Yes, it was. And it didn’t seem at the time, it didn’t seem like a leap when we were actually like, looking to raise money. And people were telling us No, I was like, they don’t see the the vision. You know, you’re now looking back. It was a leap. But I’m kind of glad because, you know, if you think about the early days of the UFC, I like to use this analogy. You know, hoist Gracie, I was wanting to know what style of martial arts was the best martial arts, you know, it was kung fu karate, and the UFC came, I was like, Oh, we finally get to see this. And it was this Brazilian guy that came in and choked everybody out. And like, What in the world? It’s like, oh, it’s jujitsu. And then, you know, the rest of the wrestlers came, and they learned how to defend the submissions, and then the kickboxers learn how to defend the takedowns are knocking out the wrestlers. And then it evolved into this MMA that we know today. And so when we went into this, it was like, where we were at what works and what doesn’t work. I believed in Kohli’s toxins. I had read the research and the data. There wasn’t a lot of research on Gerson Therapy, which we don’t do to that extent anymore. But there wasn’t a lot of research on it. But I still have these anecdotal cases. And like this, I believe this is working for some people. And so when we started doing it, you know, we get to see what worked and what didn’t work, and we would have people that were sent home to die, and we would extend their life, you know, rarely are they you know, a stage four terminal cancer patient patient with a month to live, are they going to be living, you know, two years, three years. But if you’re able to extend somebody’s life by six months a year, that’s that’s a win, like. And so we started seeing that, but, you know, you have the alternative side and the conventional side, and the conventional side, likes to throw giant stones at the alternative side, the alternative side, throw giant stones, the conventional side, neither side has a great answer for terminal cancer, and the egos get in the way. And it’s like, I’d rather build bridges than walls, like how do we work together? And so we started emailing different scientists on papers that we would read. And because nobody really talks about their papers, only nobody, many people read these papers and says like, Oh hey, you’re doing this immunotherapy, how’s this working? And here’s what we’re working on, etc. And, you know, what works and what doesn’t work. So we started bringing in clinical trials. From the United States and one of the companies, we’re working with a company called botou biologics at the time, they had a Nobel Prize winner on their board, they had a guy named Francisco Marin Cola, who’s the former chief of infectious disease immunogenetics, for the national state of health. They had Vijay Mahant, one of the top geneticists, and started building relationships with a lot of these guys. And they came down with chips, and they’re like, Whoa, this is really cool. You’re doing translational medicine. And Franco is also the founder and editor in chief of the Journal of translational medicine. And so just started evolving. And it was, it was, it’s been an evolution to always get better. And now we’re at a state where we have a cGMP lab, you know, we’re making our own cellular therapeutics 2023 is going to be, I think, a breakthrough year for us, because we’re going to be moving a lot into a clinical trial model for most things, not the joints and stuff, but clinical trial model for the induced pluripotent stem cells we’re working on, which is going to be a big deal. And, you know, we’re going to try to get some of these therapeutics through the FDA process. That’s the that’s the big goal.

Mike Sarraille 16:13
Do you guys see yourselves more as coalition builders between the conventional and alternative medicine? Rather than, than them banking on one particular modality?

Unknown Speaker 16:23
Oh, absolutely. Yes. How do you build bridges and, you know, keep the ego out. And, you know, a lot of times we’re working on the same things,

Mike Sarraille 16:30
but what’s interesting coming from a bunch of fighters are usually you think, I don’t know,

Unknown Speaker 16:35
like, a good fighter, you gotta have open mind, you gotta be open to coaching. And, you know, if you’re gonna file we say, if you’re gonna fight a karate guy, you better have the best karate guy trading you and the best anti karate guy. Well, we got homeopaths, and we got oncologist, you know, it ain’t like, it’s about as opposite as you get.

Mike Sarraille 16:52
No, that’s right. The you said something earlier that, you know, somebody said that, you know, America is behind the times with a lot of these, you know, alternative modalities and whatnot. Is that just part of the EU for a layman who doesn’t know much about the medical world? Is that just legalities regulations, restrictions that say, an allergic reaction to to some of the things that take place in other countries like Mexico?

Unknown Speaker 17:20
Yeah, I think, I think so. I mean, we have very strict regulations, I think the FDA has actually done a good job the last 10 years, they’ve been opening up a lot, I mean, not getting into the whole COVID thing. But, you know, we saw though, that if they wanted to get something through, they could get it through with those emergency use authorizations. And it’s like, Well, hey, if you can do it for this, what why can’t we do this for some cancer therapeutics or some other things so but they’ve been loosening up, they passed, Congress passed right to try in 2017, that has not been used since Trump left office. But you know, people kind of kind of forgot about that legislation. But that is still there, that’s still a law of the land in the United States. I think that opened a lot of things up that says that any drug that’s been through a phase one, the patient can ask the pharmaceutical company for it, and the pharmaceutical company can give it to them. So you know, if they have a life threatening to disease, so a lot of those things, they’re opening up, and I think it’s getting better. But, you know, that’s really what it is regulations are so tough, it takes 10 to 15 years to get, you know, something passed. So that time you get that, you know, we Mexico might have had it for 10 or 15 years. And I’m

Mike Sarraille 18:30
gonna do Scott, we were talking about this earlier, the right to trial, I mean, but that’s if you have access to some of these drugs in the testing phase, which a lot of are gonna assume the average American doesn’t have access to? Or that’s probably the

Unknown Speaker 18:44
doctor getting a recommendation. Yeah. And yeah,

Mike Sarraille 18:47
so the doctor has to be knowledgeable of what, what’s what’s in testing? What’s out there?

Unknown Speaker 18:52
Yeah, I mean, I guess patients can do their research and find stuff, but most of them probably, you know, don’t at that level. You know, that’s what our goal was when we were planning to move into the US was to make that, you know, make that available to people make them more aware of what was what was available and what they could, what their options were. Right. So

Mike Sarraille 19:14
do most your patients find you guys or is it a referral from from their, their doctors?

Unknown Speaker 19:21
I don’t know that we get too many referrals from doctors, we get a lot of patient to patient referrals, tons of those. And yeah, people just you know, especially in the cancer world, and also in the STEM were so worried, you know, people when they’re not happy with what the quality of treatment that they’re getting at home, and they want to feel better. They turn to the internet and they go looking for new new things.

Mike Sarraille 19:46
So, guys, you explained to me so the cellular Performance Institute is that’s a subset under chips. A department is that

Unknown Speaker 19:57
yeah, yes. It’s It’s It’s It’s not exactly under chips of bits as a separate company, but it’s, we’re operating here out of out of chips right now chips

Mike Sarraille 20:08
in the focus of the CPI is mainly athletes combat athletes Is that Is that accurate?

Unknown Speaker 20:15
You know, currently, so I think, you know, next year 23, it’ll be a little bit different, because like, right now we’re doing joints and those types of things. But we’re building an awesome interventional radiology suite on the first floor that should be done, hopefully, we’ll be done by the end of the year. That’s some of the build out that you’re starting to see with with everything up. But um, you know, we’ll have, we just bought a really great angiography. So we can inject stem cells in hearts, and livers, you know, in pancreas, injections and those type of things. And, you know, really getting like, for instance, heart disease, the number one cause of death, or cancer. So, you know, the idea would be to inject the heart with stem cells, and hopefully regenerate that tissue that might have died. Not to the point that, for instance, you’re curing heart disease, because there had been actually some reasonably good studies on this, you know, the injections into the heart. But you can say, you know, sometimes take an ejection fraction, and, you know, take it from 20% to, let’s say, 35%. And then yes, a difference between people not being able to stand up or walk to the car and being able to go to the grocery store. And so that’s what we’re looking at with that. And then, you know, when we do the induced pluripotent stem cells, which will be under clinical trial, that making cardiomyocytes so making beating heart cells, making livers and kidneys, making all those different types of of cells, and, you know, doing those trials fast, so it takes right now, about five years to get a trial done in the US phase one, but we’ll be able to do that in 12 months in Mexico. Yep. So be able to, you know, get it done fast, and really translate that research into something that’s meaningful for the world.

Mike Sarraille 21:57
And then, you know, for Mexico, are they just very supportive of the research you guys are doing and expediting things? Yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 22:05
well, we have our licensing to, we ever saw your licensing. So we’re able to do those those types of treatments in Mexico. So they’ve been, they were one of the first to really embrace the cellular therapies. And there’s been a lot of great research out of Mexico, like dendritic cells had been done since probably 2000. Chips are the first internet Excel vaccine that was approved in America was 2010. With Provenge. So chips it was doing it 10 years before that, that those doctors won a Nobel Prize in 2011. So there’s a lot of things, you know, especially if you get to the higher level science that can be done here, and translated fast. And that’s what we’re about to do. We’re about to build a world class genomics lab, we’re building it’s gonna have proteomics, bioinformatics, we’re going to be bringing this is gonna be like a translational haven for just translating this high level medicine fast. So we can make these discoveries, we can get them to humans, we can save people’s lives, we can extend their lives and make a difference.

Mike Sarraille 23:09
So there’s got to be a stigma with stem cells in the United States, I think, a very bad stigma of when people think stem they think fetuses shares is wildly inaccurate for stem cells these days. Walk me through the difference between stem cells you find in the United States, versus what you would find here in Mexico.

Unknown Speaker 23:30
Yeah, so. So you have like, where are you? We have a mesenchymal stem cell. It comes from the umbilical cord lining. So full birth umbilical cord that’s donated after birth. And then, you know, we can expand them in Mexico and United States, you’re not allowed to expand those. So let’s say you’re getting the ACL, you’re getting 10 million stem cells, you may only be getting one to 3% of the 10 million. And there’s other growth factors and good things in there. But it’s it’s not what we’re gonna expand, they’re not able to expand them and give you all 10 million stem cells. You know, that’s number one. As far as the debate on the the fetuses that came from embryonic stem cells, yes. And those are what’s called pluripotent stem cells. So, which has has its controversy. But that’s not at all what we’re doing. But we are going to make induced pluripotent stem cells and that is taking an umbilical cord lining and making it more primitive to where it’s a it’s a pluripotent stem cell adding, you know, proteins and those type of things to where you’re able to make those other cells. So it’s taking away the debate of the you know, abortion, those types of things. Yeah, and we’re not doing that yet. But so but that that’s where the debate was over, you know, over the embryonic stem cells. And I think that where the science is now we can not have that, that part of the debate anymore.

Mike Sarraille 24:58
What walk me through The the benefits of STEM stem cells for the listeners. And then I want to also I know, usually it’s a five day protocol here and CPI. Sure if that’s accurate. Walk me through the benefits sort of maybe past clients you’ve seen in the past. I tell my story.

Unknown Speaker 25:15
Yeah. So yeah, so basically, I broke my back in 2000. And watched I probably broke it long before I was training actually, with Rafael Lovato, who you met here down in Brazil broke my ribs, hurts so bad from my ribs when I went to the hospital. And Brazil didn’t speak enough Portuguese at that time, but I can point at my ribs and say, I hurt right here. God X rays had had two ribs that were floating and, and two that were fractured. What I didn’t know at the time was that I had fractured three of my vertebrae because I never had my vertebrae. And then as time went on, I just kept training and everything. And the final straw was I was in actually in China 2009 running down an escalator and I felt a massive pop in my back, one of my disks had ruptured, as 105 got back to the US tried everything I could figure out not to have surgery. But basically, I had a piece of the disk that was lodged in my spinal cord that had to be taken off. And so I needed some disect dummies, I did the surgery, couldn’t really walk for eight months, got this beautiful gray hair for the first time, got fat for the first time in my life, and took me about two years before I get back on the mat and train. And you know, I lost a lot of core strength a lot from that. Three years after that, I was back to just as bad as I was pre pre surgery. And over time, it just kept getting worse and worse. So when I found out, there’s a chance I could do stem cells in my back here, I had three of my disks injected, I could feel the pressure come off, when in the procedure of getting the stem cells injected, I felt like I got taller, and I felt pressure coming off my nerves. Still a painful procedure. But within three or four days, I was without nerve pain for the first time in 12 years in my life a couple of weeks as the stiffness wore off, I just kept getting better and better. At MRI before I had it done, I had an MRI done at month three. And then I got an MRI done right about the 12 month mark. And, you know, I happy to share the MRIs with anybody that wants to see him I know, I’m just one case. But the regrowth of the discs in my back that you see on the MRI, our interventional radiologist was like if I looked at your MRI number one pre to 12 months, he’s like, I never would have believed as the same person. He’s like, I didn’t know you personally, just no way you could convince me because I had that much healing in the discs in my back. And so I mean, for me, I was starting to think I was going to be be crippled, you know, I had a lot of sciatic pain. Sometimes my back would give out, sometimes my calf would twitch so much it would cramp up and my toes would be pointed, locked. And, you know, it was terrible. But like, you know, now I’m great, great, you know, and I go out kiteboarding, I got new electric mountain bike, I’m out riding that thing around, you know, and I still got to be a little bit a little bit careful, I did have five really bad discs. So I went in a second time and injected two of the same discs and the one above it. And, you know, one of the great things about our stem cells is that they are hypoxic, meaning that they need a lot less oxygen to live, not a lot of blood flow inside of a disc, right? So and what I spent with insurance on back surgery and physical therapy, I was more than what it costs to get a stem cell treatment here. So

Mike Sarraille 28:50
in at the time, you got the stem cells at this clinic, or I

Unknown Speaker 28:54
was the first person to get my get the right well, you know, Can I do it on me first before I’ve got to do it on anybody else? So yeah, I got that done. I’ve had my knee done, as well. And you know, nothing works for everybody. Right? But my experience is that we’re getting really great results for people, people who are athletes tend to have better results. Maybe they know their body better. Maybe they understand it a little bit better. Take care of it a little bit better. But yeah.

Mike Sarraille 29:22
Well, it seems that you guys have a massive following within the MMA world, as well as wrestling and pro athletes. I mean, you guys, I know you’re collecting a lot of data and you’ve built a panel of just all stars. From the data you’re seeing what’s what’s sort of the success rate or is that is that sort of a loaded question.

Unknown Speaker 29:42
Well, you know, next year, we’re going to publish and we’ll be able to tell that and I say that because, you know, we see so many cool cases, but I don’t want to say the wrong number. So we’re allowing people to come back at month three for free 30 million stem sells, and we pay for the MRIs. Because we’re going to collect, we’re going to be collecting that data, and then we’re going to publish. But, I mean, we’ve, you know, it’s going to be more cases than not that, you know, we’re seeing, you know, people heal the DIS are really incredible. I think, in the last year, I can I know if one person, one of our friends didn’t get a response on his disk, but can you think of another person now? So that’s one out of I don’t know how many. They didn’t get a response. But once we see the MRIs, we can say, okay, they had a 25% reduction, they had a complete, like, his was completely looks normal now. And, you know, so whenever we get all that data, and we can put it all together, yeah. Then we’ll have that helped me to be like, I don’t know. But I really don’t know.

Mike Sarraille 30:48
How long have you guys been collecting the data?

Unknown Speaker 30:51
intensely, intensely, the last three months, less than most? Yes. But before that, you know, the hardest part was getting people to come back for their MRIs. So they’re feeling good, we don’t want to feel

Unknown Speaker 31:02
great. They don’t want to come back. So we got to give them an ethical bribe to come back. I’m gonna give you something for free, more free stem cells that fixed you. Because we want you know that the data for us it’s like winning the fight in, in martial arts, right. Like, the only way you prove that you’re doing it is to prove that you’re doing it while we need the data, the MRIs and everything to do it, just having somebody say, I feel amazing. So,

Mike Sarraille 31:25
I mean, in terms of like a business, sort of principle, your repeatability of clients coming back is pretty damn high.

Unknown Speaker 31:33
I mean, we I think we do a great job. You know what I mean? Like our staff is amazing panel here. Our product is amazing. I think we have a package that we’ve put together, some people call it bio hacking, you know that, since we have our own farmers compounding pharmacy, here, we’re making everything in house, we have our own cellular lab, we’re making everything in house, we have probably the biggest hyperbaric chamber that out of anywhere. So I think, you know, the, the package that you’re doing was really for us post COVID. We went into all of our scientific advisors, our doctors were burned, you know what I mean, from working the whole time. And I was just like, Look, I need to feel great again. You know, if you were me, and you had a week at Chippewa, what would you do? And I put that together that whole protocol that you’re doing now with the IV, ozone, Myers, cocktail, hyperbaric oxygen, NAD, stem cells, pulsed electromagnetic field, infrared therapy, all in a one week package. And that’s how it started was, okay, this is what I’m going to do. I started telling my friends about it and stuff, and people were like, I want to come do it too.

Mike Sarraille 32:39
What? Let’s talk through that, because I’ve had PRP done in the United States PRP for platelet rich plasma. And it’s come in, they pull your blood, they spin it, and then they put it into whatever joint you’re doing. But you guys have a five day protocol. Do you mind if we cover that? Just to show the I mean, just the intensity of what you guys do. So one day one was a lot of entertainers, administrative stuff, blood tests, things along those lines. But you hit us with a Myers cocktail, the ozone? IV, the NAD plus which talk to the listeners about NAD plus, because you guys do that in house, you know, you have to do it in house because the shelf life of NAD plus is pretty short. And you guys are big on at NAD plus, which I know is been an up and coming. I don’t say drug was correct term. It’s a it’s a therapeutic therapeutic drug. What is it about NAD plus that you guys love so much. And you’re doing that pretty much every day of the five days.

Unknown Speaker 33:42
It’s like rocket fuel for the for the mitochondria, you know, so it’s just increasing this ATP and the energy in the cells shown to reset circadian rhythm and a lot of people helps you know, with with sleep a lot helps with brain fog. So some of our friends with like, COVID long haulers. Yeah. They’re taking NAD plus and seeing good results. They’re just DNA repair as well. So I mean, there’s, there’s a lot of great things about NAD plus, you know, we like it fresh. So you know what other places might do? They might, you know, might be three, four or five, six months old. We cut ours off right at three. Nobody’s getting anything alert and most of it is within the first two to four weeks. Yeah. So we’re making it fresh constantly. And I can tell actually tell a difference. You know,

Unknown Speaker 34:34
we’ve done it somewhere else.

Mike Sarraille 34:35
Sure. I did. Yeah, but I definitely felt I had to ask to slow the drip. That’s just because I’m a big ass Willis.

Unknown Speaker 34:43
No, I don’t think so. Because like we have a lot of people that come down here do NAD other place. I got one guy comes back every three months just for that. Yeah. And they all say the same. Like, oh, this freshness, it’s different. It’s different.

Mike Sarraille 34:54
Are you guys doing personally? Are you doing that on a weekly basis?

Unknown Speaker 34:57
Yeah, he does it more than I do it every other week. You know Are we doing every week my eyes start hurting I do NAD in my eyes like get better. It’s I wish it lasted a little longer. But I did really does. It helps my I’m staring at computers all day long. And man, it helps I can see how clear light your eye right now do you notice that you said

Mike Sarraille 35:15
it the other day, you know what I’ve been really impressed of the five days, it’s almost like it’s a con to your service. Your staff has been awesome. I know Wednesday, which were the today’s Thursday, Wednesday was the injection day, I had both my knees down my right hip, both my shoulders, your staff was awesome. The process was not as painful as I thought it was actually pretty smooth. Last night was a little rough. But that’s to be expected with the pressure and in the joints. But you guys do a great job with the pain management. And so it’s been less than 24 hours. And the only thing I can feel is the stiffness. But going back to the PRP clinics I went to they didn’t do the you know the NAD plus, you guys also have the hyperbaric chamber, you get the P EMF and and then the the sauna. Explain why those you add those three protocols to your stem cell therapy and keep people here for five days.

Unknown Speaker 36:12
Yeah, I mean, so we’re looking for things that are synergistic with the stem cells. So there’s studies that show that hyperbaric oxygen increases, stem cells by up to a 400% PMF up to 200%. So those are increasing your, your stem cells that you produced. And so, you know, using things that work synergistically oxygen, into the bloodstream, you know, hyperbaric oxygen, so you’re breathing in pure oxygen, and then it’s pressurizing so it’s pushing oxygen to parts of your body that might not get as much per se. So, you know, a lot of injuries don’t have a lot of oxygen go into it. So, you know, when you put stem cells in there, especially our stem cells that actually can survive in that low oxygen environment. But then you add oxygen or give them more oxygen, just it’s, it’s helpful for those stem cells to, to do what we want them to do. So, you know, everything that we have this in place to potentiate you know, the other things and, you know, even without stem cells, all of those treatments for a week, I mean, you’re going to feel good, yeah, he that you’re going to, you know, it’s, it’s healthy, it feels great to do those things. And Scotty and I both we both have ozone generators next to our bed. He’s got two or three red lights in his room, I’ve got a five, five and a half foot by three foot panel next to my bed. And you know, we use a lot of these things, you know, in our day to day life, just because it makes us feel so good. And it’s overall healthy.

Mike Sarraille 37:43
So, you know, I’m looking at the list of athletes in the board back here. I mean, what what’s the most common feedback you get from them that you’re extending the longevity of their, their careers in sport?

Unknown Speaker 37:53
Yeah, definitely. And just, you know, athletes that come down here, they say that they immediately get a boost up in their cardio and their gas from the stem cells go into their lungs, quicker recovery times. Most of those guys up on their board are such high level athletes, they don’t take the recommended amount of time to see the best results for healing old injuries. They’re usually coming down here to avoid surgery, or they got a bit you know, just micro tears and things like that. And there’s a reason why they all keep coming back. You know, like if it wasn’t working, they wouldn’t keep coming. We just have Rafael Lovato Jr. is on his fourth trip down here. We have a lot of guys that that come

Mike Sarraille 38:33
down big dude. I didn’t realize he was that big. Yeah, big boy. Do you do any of the athletes just come for preventative maintenance? Have you not seen that yet?

Unknown Speaker 38:45
I mean, we do I have. We have had guys that have come down like before, they have like a big event that. So if I was here right now he’s only doing IV instead of his joints. Yeah. He’s fighting in in ADCC, the largest grappling event in the world coming up end of September. And he just wants to you know, to be able to work out a little harder. He’ll stuff up a little bit quicker. And yeah, we have people that come down just for that, too.

Mike Sarraille 39:12
And I know Scott United talks about you coming from the the veteran community with all the brain trauma, that you guys are actually, you know, starting to go down the path of was it spinal stem to potentially Yeah, we actually

Unknown Speaker 39:26
already treated some people with the inner thecal. injections. Yeah, we do that here. Yeah, we got one coming next week. For somebody that is an older person who wants it for preventative. But yeah, we’ve done that.

Mike Sarraille 39:42
Plus you combine that with the H bot training?

Unknown Speaker 39:45
Yeah. Yeah. And the NAD and everything else. Yeah.

Mike Sarraille 39:49
We with collecting the data? Is there a long game approach here? I mean, are you guys eventually trying to you know, convince the United States To change certain policies or

Unknown Speaker 40:02
Oh, yeah, absolutely. let’s commence, we take our data and we submitted to the FDA. So we have our US biotech company. So you know, we have our therapeutics, we have a lot of innovations and what we do our partner, Francisco Soldeu, lots of innovations. And so the goal is to get this through the FDA process. So that’s really Yes, that’s the big goal.

Mike Sarraille 40:26
That’s got to be frustrating in a way. In I’m not putting words in your mouth saying the FDA is slow. It’s just, I’m assuming that as a that’s a that could be a decade long fight before? Yeah, it’d be.

Unknown Speaker 40:39
It’d be I think that, you know, next year, when we show how good we can collect the data, and we do a great job, which we should have to prove it. Yes, I think that some of our drugs will get breakthrough status. And I think that we can, you know, we know some people in the FDA, they’re good people. And I think that we just got to show that we can do what we say we’re going to do. And we’re going to do that. And, you know, I’m optimistic about it, really, I’m very optimistic about the a lot of the people that I’ve met in the community, from people in the FDA to NIH, etc, have been really good people. They’re open minded, they want people to do things, right. But in some ways, they get a bad rap. And I’m looking forward to working with them, quite frankly,

Mike Sarraille 41:21
that’s awesome. What would you say to your? Well, you know, I’m an average citizen now, somebody who is maybe dealing with joint pain, or shoulder pain, knee pain, what would you say to them? Rather than just sort of rushing in tears? It seems like you go to a doctor, and the doctors response is going to be you know, let’s, let’s open the up and, sure. I mean, would you

Unknown Speaker 41:44
die or stem cells before I do my back surgery? For sure. You know, as long as it’s not a complete tear, then what have you got to lose? I mean, surgery is so traumatic, you know, it’s so traumatic. This is a couple little needles into your joint, you know, like it’s, you’re gonna see in two days, you’re not gonna feel like anything was done to you, I literally lay flat on my back for eight months, post back surgery, I got a giant scar this big on my, on my back. And it was, you know, he always said that’s, that was like the turning point, you know, they’d be like, in my life was pre surgery, post back surgery. Like I just, everything changed.

Unknown Speaker 42:21
He went great. Like a month after a surgery started getting gray hair was the strangest thing. It was like that much stress on his on my body. You know,

Mike Sarraille 42:28
what, eight, chicks dig gray hair? I’ve got a little patch right here. My wife thinks it’s hot. There you go. So maybe you can help me out there. We’ll talk to me about the the sort of post stem sort of rehabilitation because ultimately, you want to limit working out for about what six to eight? Well, I

Unknown Speaker 42:49
think you know, you, any new inflammation you cause is going to take away from the localization of the right, exactly so and just not drinking alcohol, the longer you can go without drinking alcohol, the better don’t don’t pout that much can’t be that

Mike Sarraille 43:06
I’ll cut back my Moses was. So eight weeks, you just you take it slow, a lot a lot effects, flexibility, mobility training, in that usually results in the best outcomes, you know, heavy lifting,

Unknown Speaker 43:20
about at least a month, I would say you know, no heavy lifting for it also depends what you’re treating, you know, so like, when you’re doing a back, you don’t want to lift anything over your head, that’s gonna cause pressure on the disk. You don’t want to squirt any stem cells out, you don’t want to, you know, cause any of that you want there to be as much healing as possible. I did, I did physical therapy. Although irregularly, I went to a physical therapist just working here at the hospital, I didn’t have a lot of time. And that made a big difference. So we always suggest Yeah, do like physical therapy. With it to anything you would add to that?

Unknown Speaker 43:52
No, it’s just, I’ve seen people that especially with the back injuries, they’ll get their disc injected and a couple of weeks in there working out and they’ll be went from like, hey, I’ll message them. Like, Hey, why aren’t Why are you in the gym right now? You know, and, but and sometimes it’ll take a little longer for them to for them to get the effect but it’s just really take it easy. You can take it easy once you get these. There, you’re paying good money. Yeah, let’s might as well get the full possible effect. And so they give the doctors you have a sheet when you leave like specifically week one, week two, all the way to, I think we six or eight. And I would stick with what that sheet says for whatever you had done. And you know, really stay focused on it. Well, a lot of your

Unknown Speaker 44:39
biggest problem is people feel great. You feel so good, but you haven’t had the full recovery you know yet and you want to go back to doing everything because you do feel so good. But it takes you know, it takes time for stuff to grow back.

Mike Sarraille 44:55
Well, fellas, I can’t thank you enough for having me out here and actually going through the treatment. I’m Dude, I can think of hundreds of my brothers within the, you know, Special Operations community that that need to come out here. Just given the injuries, which are very synonymous with, with UFC fighters and stuff like that. I mean, it would it would it would pay dividends for them, what is the best way for people to one find you. And then to start the process of talking to your, your reps about coordinating a trip out here?

Unknown Speaker 45:26
Well, you know, first of all, thank you and all of your brothers for your service, we do have a military a service discount, you know, both of us come from families that have military. And, you know, the easiest way is either, you know, on Instagram or CPI stem cells, the website is cellular performance Or just click a button and we offer a free doctor call. It’s best if you have MRIs and stuff like that. So the doctor can look at him but not necessary, I can usually get you an MRI, cheaper down here than your deductible is in the United States. And we get the results back, you know, if not same day, then within 24 hours. So if you don’t have one, it’s not the end of the world, but it definitely helps. But you will be getting one when you get down here. And the doctors want to see exactly what’s going on the day or two before they do the injections to make sure you get the best results possible.

Unknown Speaker 46:24
What he said now? Yeah, exactly. That’s, that’s, that’s really, it’s finding the website, looking at the testimonials from people that have done it talking to other people that have actually done it, doing your own research, looking at the treatments that we do, there’s a big list and look at the science behind it. I mean, you can type in, you know, NAD plus, and for, you know, brain conditions or hyperbaric oxygen for wound healing or all of these things and really see how they work synergistically together. And, you know, make your own decision. If it’s not us, we want ever to get healthy. It might not be us. It might be something else. It’s just like, yeah, make that step to actually make a positive difference in your health.

Mike Sarraille 47:09
Well, guys, definitely you guys are innovators. You’re you’re helping people with their quality of life and longevity. So, again, thank you and for all the listeners. We will post all the information on the cellular Performance Institute. Give it a look, talk to one of the doctors. Thanks for joining us. This is the Men’s Journal everyday warrior. I’m your host Mike Sarraille. Until next time.

from Men's Journal