Running shoes are not a one-size-fits-all type of purchase. Before determining what type of shoes are best suited to your running stride and style, you’ll want to determine if you’re going to do most of your running on the road or on dirt surfaces, because road shoes and trail running shoes are two entirely different beasts.
Road running shoes are specifically designed for running on pavement and concrete, so they typically are more cushioned and not optimized for grip on loose or soft ground. Trail running shoes, on the other hand, are built for running on a wide variety of trails and terrain. They’re designed to protect your feet from dirt and rocks and offer more grip for rugged surfaces.
When shopping for a new pair of trail running shoes, you’ll want to consider what type of trails you run on and the type of support your running style requires. Good things to look for are built-in rock plates and toe guards to protect your feet from debris, Vibram or other full rubber outsoles for grip and durability, and upper materials sturdy enough to withstand trail conditions. Here, we’ve rounded up ten of our favorite trail running shoes, including fast shoes, waterproof shoes, shoes with lots of cushioning, and shoes designed to cover long distances.
The Best Trail Running Shoes for Men 2022
from Men's Journal