Country Bike Ride and Visit to Chitactac-Adams County Park

A nice rural ride of about an hour one way takes me to Chitactac-Adams Heritage County Park. This was historically the village of Chitactac, the dwelling site of members of the Ohlone tribe of Native Americans for more than a thousand years. It was later the site of the one room Adams schoolhouse, which was used from the 1850s to 1956.

Beautiful Oak-shaded interpretive path.

There are many interpretive signs on the self-guided walk. This one shows the construction of a Native American roundhouse:

There are a lot of interesting rock formations which contain petroglyphs, though I didn’t find any:

I did see some grinding rocks. Native Americans used depressions in rocks as mortars to grind food. There was an interesting sign explaining food processing techniques:

Grinding rock

The trail runs close to Uvas creek, downstream from where it flowed through our backyard at our previous house:

This is all in a pretty location, located in a valley off the present Watsonville road:

Beautiful interpretive center reminiscent of Native American architecture:

This was an enjoyable and interesting way to spend a couple of hours (including the bike ride) on a nice day.