Confessions of a Recovered Surfboard Hoarder: The Perfect 3-Board Quiver

April 22, 2008. That’s the date that I officially went into recovery. I know this because it’s the day my daughter was born. It was the day that my surfboard collection changed forever.

When it comes to a surfboard fetish, I had it bad. I was compulsive… an addict even. I’d see a surfboard I like and I simply had to have it. I would sneak new boards in and out of my garage like some kind of polyurethane junkie.

Pro Tip: If you keep all your boards in board bags or board socks your significant other will never know when there’s a new sled on the rack. And if you get all your custom boards painted the same color they’ll never know when you get a new one.

So, in 2008 my daughter was born and, not so conveniently, the bottom also dropped out of the economy. Buying surfboards on a whim became harder and harder to do. Fixing dings and broken noses has never been my forte, but I endured.

It took a few years to realize it, but as time passed I found I was really only riding three boards in my collection of 30 or 40 boards. So, I started selling off my quiver. I posted on Craigslist; I gave away boards to neighbor kids; I “upcycled” a couple into crude hand planes (like ding repair, I also suck at shaping). I held onto a few of my more prized boards, but as far as my everyday surf habit goes, I’m living a much cleaner surf life.

Here is the lean recipe for success that worked for me:

from Men's Journal