How Jude Law Bulked Up for 'The Rhythm Section'

In The Rhythm Section, Jude Law plays retired-yet-still-deadly British Secret Service agent Ian Boyd, who mentors Blake Lively’s Stephanie Patrick on her journey to becoming a vigilante assassin. For the role, Law had to look convincing as former military muscle, which meant bulking up in all the right places, which he did with long-time trainer Johnny Silmon.

“Jude always puts a good shift in,” says Silmon. In addition to their five sessions a week, Law does an additional two or three on his own. “For the project it wasn’t about hitting a number, it was about making him feel comfortable as an enforcer.”

The program that Silmon designed for Law included eight weeks of bulking and 12 weeks of more quick-moving, functional exercises utilizing kettlebells or hammers. This is a sample day from the bulking phase, where they integrated Olympic lifts and heavy cable work. During this process they were able to put 5 to 7 pounds of muscle on Law, further defining his shoulders and core.

The Triset Workout That Transformed Jude Law Into a Secret Service Agent

Warmup: Start the workout with 3 minutes of jump rope and a 10-minute dynamic warmup.

Directions: Perform each exercise indicated in Triset 1 consecutively, taking 15 seconds rest in between. When you get to the third exercise, rest for 60-90 seconds, then repeat from the top for a total of 3 or 4 rounds before moving on to Triset 2. Repeat until all trisets are complete.

Workout Finisher and Cooldown: End the session with 3 minutes of heavy bag striking, 3 minutes of focus pad work, and 3 minutes of jump rope. Cool down with a light jog and 10 minutes of stretching.

The Rhythm Section is now available on digital, Blu-Ray, and DVD.

from Men's Journal